Steenberg Group takes stake in Captif

04-06-2024 Steenberg Group expands its activities significantly and takes a…

Senior Project Manager


Captif & Solar Power Europe

Schumann Square Brussels. In the heart of the European district. Captif went to…

Now get back to work!

COVID-19 - Back to work

These are unprecedented and unexplored times that no one was prepared for.…

VR in office design: a reality at CAPTIF

Virtual Reality - or VR for short - quickly becomes an important visualization…


Interview for VOKA on "Trends in office design"

VOKA (Vlaams Netwerk van Ondernemingen) publishes the ONDERNEMERS-magazine for…

agile working environment

What’s what? Activity-Based Working and Agile Working

Flexibility in the workplace: there’s always something to say on this matter. A…

The truth about open-plan offices: what’s good and what’s not

The open-plan office has its supporters and its opponents. The big fans and…

Office plants: nothing but benefits

The fewer distractions in your office, the higher the productivity. Right?…

Is standing while working really healthier?

We sit too much. This is why you hear, with increasing frequency, about the…

The New Way of Working is the new normal

How long does a trend need to stay in place before we say it’s no longer a…

activity-based working

Activity-based working as a step towards a flexible office

What would you think of a chameleon-like office that adapts itself to the needs…


Office Snapshots publishes photos of the The Beacon project

Part magazine, part platform, part database. Office Snapshots is the world's…